Raisins and Diabetes: Are They a Good Choice for Blood Sugar Control?

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Raisins and Diabetes, are related to each other and raisins are a good choice for your blood sugar. Sometimes people think that raisins have no sugar because they are natural and they can eat as much as they want without any harm to their body. On the other hand, some others believe that the sweetness in it is the same as sugar and is harmful to the body. Therefore, in this article in fooka, we are going to put an end to these doubts and talk in detail about whether raisins are harmful or beneficial for diabetes.

Can diabetics eat raisins?

Most fruits like Dried Apricot have a low glycemic index due to the presence of fiber; But the glycemic index of raisins and sweet fruits is higher and they are in the category of foods with an average glycemic index. Therefore, the question that most diabetics have is: “Can I eat raisins or not?”
The answer to this question is positive. Of course, the positive answer to this question does not mean the unlimited consumption of raisins! Be aware that raisins are made from grapes. Grapes are one of the sweet fruits that contain natural sugar; Therefore, excessive consumption of raisins can significantly increase your blood sugar.


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Can diabetics eat raisins?

In general, there are about 15 grams of carbohydrates in every two tablespoons of raisins; Therefore, when choosing raisins, you should also consider its carbohydrates as part of your daily allowed carbohydrates. With that said, it’s true that you can’t count on this food item as a main meal; But raisins can be an attractive and energizing snack for you. The benefits of raisins for the body are many and you should not ignore them without reason.
Also, you should know that the sugar in raisins is much higher than the sugar in grapes. Because grapes lose a lot of water during the drying process; Therefore, in the seasons when there are fresh grapes, it is better to drink them instead of raisins.

Why are raisins useful for human health?

Iranian raisins , like other fruits and Dried Fruits , are low in calories and have high nutritional value. For example, 1/4 cup of raisins has only about 120 calories; It also contains 2 grams of dietary fiber, 25 mg of calcium and 298 mg of potassium. Fiber makes you feel hungry later and helps your digestive system to stay healthy. Calcium helps you to have strong and healthy bones. Potassium protects your nervous system and muscle strength, and also helps maintain body water balance.

Does eating raisins help regulate your blood sugar?

Eating raisins after meals helps regulate blood sugar. In one of the studies, researchers evaluated 10 healthy participants, four men and six women, to see how raisins affect blood sugar control. During a period of 2 to 8 weeks, the participants consumed four breakfast meals; They ate white bread for two meals and raisins for the other two meals. The researchers monitored their glucose and insulin levels two hours after each meal. They found that participants had significantly lower glucose and insulin levels after consuming raisin meals than white bread.


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Minerals in raisins and currants

There are minerals such as phosphorus and potassium in raisins and currants. The approximate weight of each raisin is between half and one gram. The recommended serving of raisins and currants should be a maximum of 15 small raisins or 10 raisins per serving.

Minerals in raisins and currants

How to use raisins and currants for diabetes

It is not recommended to consume more than 20 grams of raisins and currants per day. Raisins have a lot of variety, but in fact, although raisins and currants are different in terms of appearance, they are not very different from each other in terms of nutrition, but the amount of calories in raisins is about 10% more than raisins.

Are raisins good for diabetes?

Most of the sugar in currants is fructose, which does not require insulin to be absorbed in the body. It has been customary to use raisins and currants instead of sugar, especially in diabetics. Now, in recent years, chromium has been found in the composition of grapes and its products, such as raisins and raisins, which lowers blood sugar.


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If you have diabetes, your friends and relatives may say that you cannot eat raisins or other fruits. But fruits are a good source of fiber and many nutrients. Many fruits also have a low or moderate glycemic index, which means you can and should eat these foods as part of a healthy, balanced diet. If you are interested in buying first-class Iranian raisins, you can buy them from Fooka and get them with the best quality.
